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Rate My Face: Free Face Analysis Test
AI Skincare

Rate My Face: Free Face Analysis Test

Nov 12, 2024 · 3 minutes read
rate my face test

You don't need anyone to tell you about your looks. You've seen yourself in the mirror, so you know you're good-looking, and since you're the one who developed your skincare routine, you know just how much work you put into taking care of yourself.

But wouldn't it be fun if you could get a numerical ranking of just how much your hard work is paying off? You can — there's an app for that! There are several apps for that, actually, and one of them is YouCam Makeup.

Perfect Corp.'s YouCam Makeup uses artificial intelligence to transform your selfies into Instagrammable works of art. Some of the app's most fun tools include a virtual makeup try-on experience, hairstyle and hair color simulators, clothes changers, and, most relevant here, a Skin Diagnostics tool with a "rate my face" feature

rate my face test

This Skin Diagnostic tool isn't shallow, so it's not issuing you a number based on attractiveness. Instead, it gathers data by analyzing factors like skin texture, wrinkles, and eyebags, then uses its findings to rate your face's skin health on a 100-point scale.

The best part is once it analyzes your skin health, the app provides personalized skincare recommendations — so cool!

Rate Your Face with YouCam Makeup

Now that you've learned what YouCam Makeup's Skin Diagnostic tool does, it's time to learn how to get your facial rating from it.

1. Download the App

The first thing you'll need to do is add the app to your mobile device. (*The Skin Diagnostic feature is only available on Android.)

2. Navigate to the Skin Diagnostics Tool

rate my face app

Once you've downloaded YouCam Makeup to your Apple or Android smartphone, open the app and navigate to its Skin Diagnostic tool. Once you click on this feature, it's time to say cheese — it'll prompt you to upload a selfie.

Follow the directions on the screen as you take your photo. Make sure you're somewhere with good lighting, look straight ahead, and position your face into the circle as directed for accurate results.

3. Let AI Analyze the Face

rate my face test

After uploading a selfie that meets the app's specifications, your work is done. YouCam Makeup takes over from here, using AI to carefully analyze your face and generate a numerical rating between 1 and 100 based on its findings. You don't have to wait long for results; you'll get your Skin Scores in a few seconds.

4. See Your Final Score

rate my face test score

After you receive your Skin Score, look at your detailed skin analysis report. You'll get an overall skin health rating, plus individual ratings in categories like oiliness, wrinkles, eye bags, redness, and texture.

Not only will you see where your skin ranks, but you'll also get helpful tips and tricks for improving it. If you're not happy with your numbers, all hope is not lost! Follow the recommendations provided for each category — such as boosting your face's moisture by drinking more water or using an exfoliating facial scrub to reduce texture — and you're on your way to the rating of your dreams.

Those recommendations are all well and good, but boosting your skin health is a process that takes time. What do you do if you want a healthier-looking face immediately? You take advantage of the app's retouching tools, of course!

try youcam makeup's face retouch tools

With just one click of a button, you can correct any issues and imperfections YouCam Makeup detected on the scan. Your skin may not look different in person, but at the very least, you'll have a picture-perfect selfie to upload to your socials.

Download the best free face analysis app to rate your face.

Have Fun With Face Ratings

While you have several options, YouCam Makeup is one of the best free skin analysis apps. If you want a quick and easy way to rate your face and get advice for giving it a little extra TLC, download it to your smartphone.

Of course, the Skin Diagnostic feature isn't the only thing this app has to offer. There are plenty of other AI-powered appearance enhancers to play around with, including a face swapper to see what your face would look like on a celebrity or friend's body and a face reshaper to see what you might look like with differently shaped or placed features.

One of YouCam Makeup's most popular tools is the AI Aging filter. Upload a photo of yourself, and in a few seconds, the app uses AI to guess how old you are based on your appearance. You can also make yourself look younger or older by using a slide bar ranging from 12 to 70 years old!

Whether you want to use AI for serious skin help or to have fun with different filters, YouCam Makeup has exactly what you need. Download it and start rating and enhancing your appearance today!

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