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Sunset Blush: How To Try The Prettiest TikTok Makeup Trend
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Sunset Blush: How To Try The Prettiest TikTok Makeup Trend

May 31, 2024 · 3 minutes read
Sunset blush

The "Sunset Blush" makeup trend, popular on TikTok, mimics the gradient hues of a sunset using multiple shades of blush and highlighter.

Sunset blush trend on tiktok

Source: TikTok @alissajanay1

TikTok creator Alissa Janay's video showcasing this look has garnered 1.1 million likes, sparking widespread interest in the makeup trend.

How To Achieve the Sunset Blush Look

To achieve the effect, blend pink and orange liquid blushes with a liquid highlighter. Apply pink blush on the cheekbones, orange blush slightly below, and highlighter above both, near the outer corner of your eye.

For best results, blend each color individually with a damp beauty sponge, then use a brush to soften the edges. Finish with a shimmery highlight, and if desired, set with matching powder blushes.

This technique offers a vibrant, sun-inspired look perfect for summer.

Best Sunset Blush Filter: Try The Look in Your Photo

try the sunset blush filter with the youcam makeup app
For those hesitant to invest in new products without seeing the final look, the makeup app YouCam Makeup provides a great feature.

Sunset blush trend filter

The YouCam Makeup app features a blush tool that allows you to experiment with various blush colors and patterns, including the sunset blush effect. This lets you see how different shades and placements will look on your face before trying the look in real life.

By using this app, you can customize and perfect your sunset blush look digitally, ensuring you get the ideal combination of colors to match your desired effect. This virtual trial can boost your confidence in trying out this summer's hottest makeup trend in real life.

Read More: Blush Filter App: Find the Right Blush Color for You

Download the best makeup filter app to try the sunset blush trend

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