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How To Do Eyeliner For Hooded Eyes: 5 Makeup Tips
Makeup & Looks

How To Do Eyeliner For Hooded Eyes: 5 Makeup Tips

Apr 25, 2024 · 3 minutes read
Eyeliner for hooded eyes

Hooded eyes are not unusual. Characterized by a heavier brow bone and a deep-set crease, it can sometimes lend the appearance of a smaller eyelid as a result. This may make it tricky to apply eyeliner and eyeshadow.

In this article, we will go through what is the definition of hooded eyes, the five major step-by-step tips to do eyeliner for hooded eyes without fail, and how you can play with different eyeliner styles with the best virtual eyeliner app: YouCam Makeup.

Read More: Best Eyeliner Filter App: How to Add Eyeliner to Photos

What Are Hooded Eyes?

Hooded eyes are an eye shape with a little bit of extra skin beneath the eyebrows. The structure of hooded eyes means there’s slightly less eyelid space to work with when applying eyeliner. Plus, the eyelids are not as visible when you open your eyes and seem to “disappear” into the creases. It's the eye shape that is owned by A-list celebrities like Jennifer Lawrence, Blake Lively, and Taylor Swift.

Though it's an attractive eye shape, it can take away from your photos if you aim to show off your eye makeup or just want to look your very best for a special occasion.

Virtually try on different eyeliner color for free with the YouCam Makeup app.

How to Do Eyeliner Makeup for Hooded Eyes

Fortunately, learning how to do eyeliner for hooded eyes is straightforward and effective when done right. Here’s what you need to know to achieve the perfect eyeliner for hooded eyes in six easy steps.

1. Apply an Eye Primer

Lock down your eyeliner by applying a high-quality primer to your lids first. This will prevent the product from smudging when you’re exposed to moisture or humidity, essentially locking it in place to preserve the appearance of your makeup.

2. Get a Waterproof Eyeliner

To ensure that your eye makeup stays put, consider using a waterproof eyeliner. You never want to risk your makeup smudging and potentially sneaking its way into your eyes.

Prevent that issue by using a waterproof eyeliner that’s virtually guaranteed to stay put, rain or shine. You can also try an oil-based gel liner instead; this can “lock” into place and prevent unsightly smudges.

3. Tightline

Enhance the appearance of your eyelashes by tightening your eyes. This is a tricky technique that, once mastered, has a magical effect on hooded eyes, lending them an enlarged and more defined look. That’s especially important in photographs.

To achieve this look, apply eyeliner directly to the roots of your lower lashes and on the upper waterline. Once you’ve managed to do so effectively, you’ll notice that your eyes look bigger and your lashes appear fuller and richer. Bonus: The effect is incredibly natural!

4. Focus on the Outer Corners

Add some extra definition and create the illusion of larger, wider eyes by paying some special attention to the outer corners. Continue extending them past the outer corners to create a sleek and sophisticated look as you create your lines.

You can even wing it out with a thin line for a chic look that’s perfect for special events. Not sure which type of line is right for you? Have some fun and experiment with the YouCam Makeup app! You can virtually try on various styles to find the one that flatters you best.

5. Experiment With Different Eyeliner Colors

Black eyeliner is the most common option when it comes to liner colors, however, it will occasionally tend to “weigh down” an eyelid, and lend it an even more hooded appearance. Consider stepping down to a brown-black or even brown color, and don’t be afraid to branch out and try other hues you may not have considered before, like purple, blue, or dark green for a softer touch.

Virtually try on different eyeliner color for free with the YouCam Makeup app.

Not sure it’s the right choice? Use the YouCam Makeup app to experiment with various shades before you commit.

Download YouCam Makeup: Best Eyeliner Filter App

Best eyeliner filter app youcam makeup

Download the best eyeliner filter app youcam makeup

Now that you’ve mastered a few eyeliner looks for hooded eyes, it’s time to take it to the next level! Download the free YouCam Makeup app in the Apple or Google Play store have fun experimenting with different looks, and find the best eye makeup for beautiful hooded eyes.

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