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How AI Can Help Aesthetic Treatment Providers Simulate Results for Injectables
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How AI Can Help Aesthetic Treatment Providers Simulate Results for Injectables

Jul 25, 2024 · 3 minutes read
How AI Can Help Aesthetic Treatment Providers Simulate Results for Injectables

One of the most common desires that aesthetic treatment providers hear from their patients is a wish to reverse the clock by improving and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Thankfully, there are a wide range of options designed to help. 

Injectables, such as wrinkle relaxers or other formulas, are quickly becoming some of the most popular methods for creating measurable results. But it’s not always easy to explain to consumers why it’s worth the significant investment.  

Medical practitioners may know how dramatic the change will be. But before-and-after pictures of others don’t always translate.  

In these cases, an effective consultation experience needs to be created in a way that helps guests feel more confident and comfortable moving forward with a treatment plan. One way that many state-of-the-art facilities have improved their consultations is with the assistance of artificial intelligence (AI) technology. 

AI skin analysis is a new technological advancement that has transformed the consultant experience for all aesthetic treatments. And it is especially effective for showing the personalized and individual results of injectables.  

This tech, created by Perfect Corp., allows providers to offer a hyper-realistic simulation of treatment results. It makes the job of explaining the benefits easier than ever.  

Dermal Fillers Before and Afters

AI-Powered Skin Simulations: Enhancing the Consultation Experience for Injectables  

Perfect Corp.’s AI Skin Simulation technology is extremely easy to integrate into the consultation process. This is because its visual platform makes it simple to show the expected results of injectables and other wrinkle relaxer treatments.  

The AI predictions work as an overlay filter that is shown directly over a photograph of the customer using augmented reality (AR). They can bring in a photograph to scan, or the provider can take a real-time shot using a camera. The technology uses an ultra-fast AI algorithm to identify skin concerns.  

It is an immersive and personalized experience that can accurately demonstrate detailed representations of the expected results of a course of treatment.  

It’s possible to show differences not only in wrinkles, but also: 

  • Spots 
  • Texture 
  • Dark circles 
  • Eye bags 
  • Redness 
  • Oiliness 
  • Pore size 
  • Acne 
  • Radiance   

The result of this impressive technology is a clear understanding by the customer of the treatment benefits. They will see what happens on their own face while providers discuss the process to make the changes happen.  

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Increasing Purchasing Confidence with AI Simulations for Injectables  

As a result of this high-tech service during the consultation phase, customers gain confidence in the process. When they see the efficacy of the wrinkle relaxer or other injectable treatment, they’ll be more likely to commit to the purchase. They won’t have to rely on examples of results for others. They can visualize the predicted results on their own face. 

This AI skin analysis becomes extremely valuable to aesthetic treatment providers. Injectable treatments often cost several hundred dollars per treatment, and customers want to ensure they aren’t wasting their money.  

Providers often hear stories about previous treatments and products that were very expensive and didn’t offer the promised results. When they see what will happen to them with AI, they’ll see how imperative the offered service truly is. 

When using the Perfect Corp. technology, it’s possible to adjust the AI-generated results for each situation. Adjustments can include everything from the severity of the skin issue to the strength of the product. When appropriate, providers can also show what happens when a customer has just one treatment or a series of treatments over time. 

The result for providers is clear. When AI skin tech is integrated into the consultation, sales of injectable treatments can greatly increase, and customer satisfaction will, too. Instead of meeting with guests for consultations that don’t end in sales, AI tech helps improve conversion rates by highlighting the amazing results of excellent services. 

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AI Simulations: Enhanced Personalization and Consultations for Injectables  

It’s hard to overestimate how powerful AI simulations and personalized recommendations are in sales conversions today. One study showed that AI can improve conversion rates by 35 percent. This is due to a few important reasons. 

Improved Personalization 

When customers are shown before-and-after pictures of previous clients, the first thing they likely think is how different that face is from their own. After all, no two people have the same skin concerns and history. If the face is different, chances are the results will be different, too. 

With an AI skin analysis, the customer will see their face on the screen as the overlays are used to show changes and results.  

Benefits of the AI Simulations

They will see a highly personalized consultation that only discusses how injectables and wrinkle relaxers can work for them — without anyone else’s face to confuse them. 

Faster Understanding 

Perfect Corp.’s technology takes just moments to create a demonstration of the options. This means a customer’s understanding and acceptance of results will happen much quicker, too. Providers may even be able to schedule shorter consultations, saving time while increasing sales.  

Once a photo is added to the program, it takes about two seconds for the technology to fully analyze the face.  When a customer sees how the skin’s appearance will change with treatments, it’s also possible to quickly add on other services to make the results even better. An AI skin analysis can be a solution that helps tailor product recommendations quickly and effectively. 

Create Realistic Expectations 

Another valuable result of AI stimulations is that providers can help their customers gain realistic expectations for what will happen over the course of treatment. Often, products can offer dramatic results. But customers may be expecting miracles. With AR technology, it’s possible to look back on the simulation and show how accurate it was. 

Since these simulations are emerging in the beauty and wellness industry, providers can use their high-tech consultations in lead generation to meet their sales and marketing goals. This targeted approach can reach any segment of a provider’s target audience since every customer appreciates personalized care from the start. 

As customer satisfaction increases, so will word-of-mouth advertising. Customers will tell their friends and family members about the state-of-the-art experience and feel good about recommending the services. 

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Learn More About Perfect Corp.’s AI Skin Analysis Technology 

For providers who are considering adding AI skin simulations to their in-office toolkit, the first step is to connect with Perfect Corp. for a demonstration. Just like with customers, the best way to appreciate the impressive technology is to see it in action. 

Providers may discover that AI tech can help beyond sales of injectables and wrinkle relaxer treatments. Perfect Corp. offers other AI and AR experiences such as systems that allow customers to virtually consider make-up products, grooming styles, and even accessories.  

Providers can expand their offerings with an AI face analyzer and facial reshaping simulator to help customers see what other treatments they might be interested in receiving. This technology can create repeat customers who have confidence in their provider and feel better about their appearance for the rest of their lives. 

This technology is designed specifically for skincare professionals, medical spa owners, and skincare brands that want to truly connect with their customers. It can work on a variety of web browsers, through a mobile app. To learn more, contact Perfect Corp. today.

Get expert advice from Perfect Corp. and get ahead of the beauty tech trends. Contact us for details on beauty tech solutions trusted by over 600 brands globally.

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